Actilabs · Beauty · Flawless makeup, starts with good skin · Skin care

Why ActiLabs

Hi Everyone,

I get this question a lot face to face, but never online, I figure you all must be thinking the same thing, just online direct sales (DS) companies seem to just be glossed over, some of you take note and others keep on scrolling, but you could be passing the best product on the market to help you with solve you body hang ups, be healthier, get better coverage makeup, etc and all because you don’t know anything about them…. fair enough I used too! But this is why I wanted to give detail into why I have chosen ActiLabs over all the others out there!

Hair hints and tips · Project: growing my hair

A little update with project #1 – grow my hair

So last year, September 2015 to be exact, I decided to start actively growing my hair. I say ‘actively’ as I have technically been growing it since for ever! From my really bad hair cut when I was a very young girl in fact…

Hair hints and tips · Project: growing my hair

Caphill-hair capsules – Do they work

Hi there! As you are aware I am on a quest to grow my hair. I am aiming for it to be around waist length by October 2017 (wedding) and it is currently shoulder length. In one of my previous posts I describe my current routine and supplements I use to help prepare, ready to… Continue reading Caphill-hair capsules – Do they work

Hair hints and tips

5 steps to washing you hair

So you may be asking – why a post about washing your hair? After all you’ve been doing it for years right? Surely you know how to wash your hair? … Well at least 90% (hazard a guess) of the none hairdresser population do it wrong! Growing up you’re never really taught how to wash… Continue reading 5 steps to washing you hair